25 Most Effective Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is a term used to describe the process of breaking down of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to yield energy in the body. Our metabolism makes up for the entire range of biological processes that happen internally. The rate of metabolism depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you lose by exercising.

Metabolism is divided into two categories – Anabolism and Catabolism:
  • Anabolism allows the body to grow new cells and maintain the tissues. It is the synthesis of all compounds needed by the cells.
  • Catabolism is the series of chemical reaction that break down the molecules into smaller units, which help in obtaining energy.

A person with a fast metabolism will lose more weight than an individual with a slower metabolism rate.

What Influences Metabolism?
Multiple factors determine our metabolism. Some of the factors which influence the body’s metabolism rate include:

1. Age
Our metabolism decreases by around 5% every decade after the age of 40 because of decreased muscle mass. As you mature, you need to be more active in exercising and watch what you eat.

2. Gender
It is believed that men burn more calories than women because of the muscle tissues present in their body.

3. Heredity
You can inherit your metabolism from your parents and grandparents.

4. Thyroid Disorder
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can slow down or speed up the body’s metabolism. Check with your doctor about your weight issues.

To conclude, metabolism may depend on various factors, but you can speed up your metabolism by eating metabolism boosting food and incorporating healthy habits that will indirectly affect your metabolism in a positive way. So, now that you know how to boost metabolism, what are you waiting for? Start following these simple ways and get back to being fit and disease-free. Good Luck!

32 Most Effective Ways Increase Metabolism

1. Drink Green Tea
Green tea is loaded with epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a phytonutrient that helps in boosting fat metabolism, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover green tea is a zero calorie drink, and you can add ginger, honey, lemon, cinnamon, mint, clove, etc. to give your cup of green tea a different flavor every day. Have a cup of green tea with your breakfast or between large meals.

2. Don’t Ignore Egg Yolk
Yes, if you want to improve your metabolic rate then you should consume the whole egg. Egg yolks are rich in essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and choline that regulates the gene responsible for fat storage in your liver. Consuming whole eggs also increases the plasma HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. So, you can have one or two whole eggs per day without raising the cholesterol levels too high.

3. Eat Lean Protein
When it comes to increasing your metabolic rate, it is critical that you eat lean protein sources daily with each meal. A 58-kg person would need 47-58 gm protein (approximately 0.8 gm protein per kg weight). It’s a false notion that consuming protein can lead to fat gain. Protein is food for your muscles and eating protein will build lean muscle mass (along with exercise) which will increase your weight but reduce body fat percent. Also, proteins are difficult to digest thereby keeping you full for longer. Proteins also increase metabolic rate up to 35 percent. Consume lean protein sources such as fish, chicken breast, ground turkey, lean cuts of beef, soy, mushroom, tofu, legumes, beans, eggs, etc.

4. Include Fruits & Veggies
Fruits and veggies are loaded with dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients that help to detoxify the body, suppress hunger, improve bowel movement, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also increase the metabolic rate. It does so by reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is one of the reasons for slow metabolism and inflammation-induced obesity. Therefore, include green leafy and colorful veggies such as Chinese cabbage, spinach, kale, rocket spinach, cabbage, bok choy, celery, broccoli, tomato, bell pepper, beetroot, carrot, cauliflower, sweet potato, eggplant, etc. And for fruits have prunes, pear, apple, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, plum, lemon, pineapple, banana, avocado, black grape, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, etc.

5. Consume Garlic
Garlic consumption can help reduce triglyceride, lipid, and bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties that suppress the production of adipokines thereby reducing inflammation and increasing the metabolic rate. Have one garlic clove every morning to increase metabolic rate and minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Also include garlic in your salad dressing, smoothies, grilled veggies, soups, and curries.

6. Consume Yogurt
Yogurt is loaded with good gut bacteria that helps digestion. Scientists have also found that consuming a substantial amount of yogurt can help reduce fat deposition in the mid-section of your body. Improper digestion is often the reason for a slow metabolic rate. Therefore consuming yogurt can help improve digestion and increase the metabolic rate. Have yogurt with fruits for dessert or just a small cup of yogurt after your lunch to boost metabolism.

7. Eat Nuts
Nuts are rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and protein. Healthy fats help lower inflammation and therefore helps to reduce the risk of inflammation-induced obesity. Nuts improve metabolism, increases satiety, and help metabolize fat. Consume 4-6 soaked almonds in the morning with your breakfast. You can also snack on 30-35 in-shell pistachios (unsalted) or include walnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, etc. in your yogurt or dark chocolate to give it an extra crunch and flavor.
8. Reduce Stress
Stress induces inflammation, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, etc. in the body. And you know that inflammation leads to slowed down metabolism and as a result you will gain weight even if you starve yourself. In any case, stress is not good for your physical and mental health. So, try to relax and ward off any negative thoughts. Do something that you enjoy—cooking, traveling, playing a sport, watching movies, painting, taking pictures, going to the spa, going out with friends, walking your dog, or learning a new skill. This will keep you occupied, and you will have less energy and time to stress about things. Moreover, it is always better to learn to compartmentalize. Meaning, keeping your personal issues separate from work issues. Solve your problems one at a time.

9. Drink Water When You Wake Up
Water therapy works wonders. Make it a habit of drinking at least two glasses of water first thing after you wake up in the morning. This will help flush out the toxins through urine and stool, thereby reducing inflammation. In fact, scientists have found that drinking 2 liters of water every day can increase metabolic rate. So you should also keep yourself hydrated throughout the day to keep your metabolism kicking.

10. Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Office parties, house parties, weddings, birthdays, promotions—you name it. Alcohol is an integral part of any celebration these days. That’s fine. But you have to be extra careful about consuming alcohol because you have a slow metabolism. Too much alcohol in the body causes dehydration, which increases inflammation and that, in turn, leads to slower metabolic rate. Once the metabolic rate slows down, the calories from alcohol get stored as fat. So, try to consume no more than one peg alcohol.

11. Eat Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress levels. This, in turn, helps to flush out the inflammation-inducing toxins. Broccoli is also anti-cancerous and improves heart health. You can eat broccoli by blanching, grilling, or adding in soup. Make sure that you do not overcook broccoli as that can destroy the goodness of it.

12. Mixed Workout Regimen
If you want to boost your metabolism, you have to do physical exercise to keep your fat mobilization going. In fact, working out can help lower the bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Do a mix of cardio, strength training, and weights to burn the calories. You can also swim, walk, go cycling, play a sport, run intermittently, dance, etc. to mobilize the fat and increase your metabolic rate.

13. Consume Extra Virgin Olive Oil
14. Drink Oolong Tea
15. Don’t Skip Breakfast
16. Consume Cayenne Pepper
17. Consume Turmeric
18. Sip Detox Water
19. Eat Every 2-3 Hours
20. Eat Healthy Snacks
21. Make A Light Dressing
22. Drink Matcha
23. Eat Whole Grains
24. Consume Omega-3-Fatty Acids
25. Avoid Trans-Fats
26. Be Active
27. Consume Iron Rich Foods
28. Consume Vitamin D Foods
29. Get Enough Sleep
30. Drink Milk
31. Eat Dark Chocolate
32. Laugh A Lot

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