8 Foods That Naturally Detoxify Your Body

Detoxing is not about starving…  When people think of detoxing, they usually envision drinking tea and basically avoiding food for a while, but did you know that there are foods that are also naturally detoxifying to the body?

If you’re planning on starting a detox soon or doing a daily detox, ensure these foods are being consumed early and often.

A good healthy food detox keeps the body away from free radicals, toxins, and other harmful chemicals that keep the body from optimal health.

One effect people notice immediately from eating these foods is better mental clarity and energy levels.

Try adding these detoxifying foods to your diet, and see how they make you feel..

8 Detoxifying Foods

Plain and simple, water is one of the most overlooked and underused nutrition resources on the planet.

While it’s not technically a food, it deserved a number 1 ranking on this list, because without it, the foods below are pretty useless.

Start with 5-6 cups a day, and work your way up to 8-10. It’s common for people to lose track during the day, so it’s a good idea to download a water tracker to your phone. Water alert is the best app for this.

If getting in water is difficult for you, try some of our detox waters. You can even throw them in a little to-go BPA FREE fruit infused water bottle!

Ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols.

These are great for people with arthritis or people just looking for cancer-fighting foods.

It has also been shown to help with liver function and giving the immune system a much-needed boost.

Adding ginger to warm water or tea is the most efficient way to get it into the body. While you can also chew on ginger roots, it is more effective to drink ginger, because higher quantities can be consumed that have a better chance of reaching and flushing out the liver.

3.Collard Greens
Collard greens are a terrific detox food for their ability to bind to bile acids and lower the body’s cholesterol levels.

The binding effect in collard greens has been shown to be even stronger than kale, brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

Collard greens are best steamed because it increases the bile acid bindings. Steam for 5 minutes, and top with lemon juice and a dash of salt to increase the activation of enzymes.

The fiber and nutrient-rich juices in grapefruits make it a powerful detox food.

Not all fruit juices are made the equal, and grapefruit wins in antioxidants.

Even when compared to cranberries, apples, oranges, and pomegranates, grapefruit has the highest overall antioxidant capacity.

The key is to select grapefruit that is rich in color (bright red or pink). This indicates a higher concentration of the carotenoid, lycopene, and other nutrients.

Lemons get a lot of attention, and rightfully so.

There are even a few detoxes based solely on the consumption of lemon juice and organic unpasteurized raw honey.

Lemons are well known for their ability to cleanse the body, aid with weight loss, balance acidity, improve skin complexion, and give the immune system a boost.

Lemon water is always a great solution when detoxing for its various health benefits, but don’t limit them to this. Their skin can be peeled and used as a tasty garnish, or you can simply squeeze the juice over your meals.

Most of the detoxing process happens in the liver because that is the universal filter for food in our bodies.

Artichokes make a great detox food because they help increase bile production in the liver.

The bile is responsible for breaking down foods and helping the body process nutrients more efficiently.

The best way to make artichoke is to boil them or pressure-cook them. They’re great with a dash of salt or a healthy dipping sauce.

While they have a bad rep when it comes to lawn care, dandelions are actually a great detox food for the body.

Similar to artichokes, they increase the bile production in the liver and cleanse the system.

There are a variety of ways to consume dandelion root. Since they are naturally bitter, it’s a good idea to add them to soup or a stir fry for taste reasons. You can also turn them into a powerful herbal detox tea!

If you don’t have any natural dandelions around but want to give them a try, go for an organic dandelion root tea.

Most people will have only consumed seaweed from eating sushi, but it’s a good idea to get more into the diet when detoxing.

Seaweed has a host of antioxidants, but it also has a rare nutrient that is a common deficiency in the world: iodine.

Healthy levels of iodine are critically important for maintaining a healthy thyroid. Thyroid deficiencies cause muscle weakness, high cholesterol, and fatigue just to name a few.

Organic seaweed also makes for a great snack on the road and comes relatively cheap.

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